Gender Reveal Supplies Product Guide
Posted on April 24 2020

1. Gender Reveal Cannons
We don't recommend anyone under the age of 18 to use cannons by themselves. If you want to include a child in the reveal, please assist them with popping the cannons. Just be sure to cover their ears, because they do make a loud noise! Before using each cannon, poke a small hole on the end that the arrows point to. This will ensure you get the best effect when they pop! To pop the cannons, follow the directions on the label. There is a heavier side that has a metal piece that produces the "pop". This side is the bottom (meaning the powder or confetti comes out of the opposite side). Twist the bottom where the arrows indicate, and you're good to go!
Powder Cannons
Powder cannons shoot out colored powder that looks like a smoke cloud. All of our powder is made out of cornstarch and color dye, so it is completely biodegradable and shouldn't stain clothes! Since powder is a heavy particle, the powder cloud will only last a few seconds, so be sure to have your cameras ready! 12 inch powder cannons come in blue and pink. You can purchase a 2 pack of our powder cannons to save money! We have purple and red powder cannons too! Although they have the same amount of powder as the blue and pink cannons, they are 16 inches long instead.
Confetti Cannons
Confetti cannons shoot out circular pieces of confetti up to 15 feet in the air! Confetti lasts longer in the air than powder, so you have more time for photos with these cannons. You can shoot them straight into the air and take photos with the confetti falling down around you, or you can shoot them up and towards the camera, creating a really cool photo effect like the photo below!
We have a few different types of confetti cannons. Our regular 12 inch confetti cannons come in 5 colors: red, blue, silver, green, and red! Our new biodegradable confetti cannons come in blue, pink, and silver! We also have red confetti cannons too! All of our cannons that aren't listed as biodegradable are made out of mylar.
2. Gender Reveal Powder
Powder is a great way to make a big impression with gender reveals! All of our powder is biodegradable and shouldn't stain your clothes or the ground. Just wash away any powder on the ground, and put your clothes through a quick-wash and you're good to go! We have burnout kits, baseballs, and golf balls available.
Gender Reveal Burnout Kits
Looking for a cool way to get your favorite car involved with your reveal? Checkout our gender reveal burnout kits! Basically, burnout kits are colored powder inside of a black bag with a piece of double- sided tape. We put them in black bags to keep the color discreet! We will attach 1 side of the tape to the black bag, and leave the other side with it's covering on. When you receive the kit, just peel off the backing on tape and stick it to the top of your back tire. When you do a burnout, your tire will spin and explode the bag of powder, giving you the desired effect! Not sure how to do a burnout? Checkout YouTube; there are plenty of tutorials out there. If you're unsure of how to do a burn out, I would suggest ordering another color to use as a practice first!
Burnout kits come in 7 colors: pink, blue, purple, red, orange, yellow and green. Yes, they do work on motorcycles! We've had customers ask about bicycles, and sadly I don't think bicycles have enough torque to produce the desired effect. If you order burnout kits of multiple colors (pink and blue), we will put a sticker on the outside of each kit to indicate its color. If you're unsure, you can always open the black bag and then re-seal it.
Gender Reveal Balls
If you're a sports fan looking for a unique reveal, check out our gender reveal balls! We have baseballs and golf balls available. Each ball will come with a sticker on it to indicate whether it's pink or blue on the inside. If you're shipping them directly to the mother to be, make sure you either specifically request that we take the stickers off, or have someone remove them before showing her! Unfortunately, we can't change the colors that they come in, sorry! Each set comes with 2 balls, you can chose if you want 2 pink, 2 blue, or 1 of each!
Gender Reveal Golf Balls
Gender Reveal golf balls are super fun to do with a large group! Each set of golf balls comes with a tee. You can get really cool pictures by lining everyone up and swinging at the same time! Gender reveal golf balls make great gifts for virtual gender reveals!
Gender Reveal Base Balls
Gender Reveal baseballs are roughly the size of a regular baseball, but a little bigger. They are made out of plastic so that they will explode when they're hit. The powder inside is completely biodegradable, but the plastic ball itself is not, so please pick up the pieces when you're done!
3. Gender Reveal Smoke
Smoke bombs are some photographers favorite tool to make truly amazing effects for photos. Some of our smokes are ignited with ring pulls, while others are activated by lighting a wick similar to a firework or a candle. We'll explain each one below. Gender reveal smoke bombs also come with discrete labels, so they won't give the surprise away! There is a code on the side of the smokes to indicate color:
REV 1 = Pink
REV 2 = Blue
We have 5 types of gender reveal smokes: Ring Pull 90's, Dual Vent's, Ring Pull Mini's, Wicks, and Pranks.
As with cannons, we don't recommend anyone under the age of 18 to activate smoke bombs. They are very similar to fireworks, and come with inherent risks. Once you activate a smoke bomb, we recommend placing it on the ground and stepping back while it's smoking. Smoke bombs do get hot, so please be careful so you don't burn yourself! Sometimes powder will come out of the smoke bomb when it's first activated. That powder shouldn't stain, but it definitely can, so be sure to wash your clothes or hands after! You will see lots of photos of people holding our smoke bombs. Please know that they do so at their own risk!
Gender Reveal Ring Pull 90's
Ring Pull 90's are smoke bombs that are activated by pulling a ring, and last for approximately 90 seconds. If you order from a gender reveal listing, they will come with discreet labels. We have both on our website, so make sure you order from the right listing! There are a few steps to activating a ring pull smoke bomb. First, remove the cap from the smoke. If you look at the label, there will be arrows pointing in the direction that the smoke comes out of. This is also the same side that the ring is located. Next, pull the ring at a 90 degree angle (perpendicular) to the smoke in 1 smooth motion. Try not to jerk the ring so that you don't accidentally break the activating mechanism! Once the smoke is activated, put it on the ground and you're good to go!
Gender Reveal Ring Pull Mini's
Ring Pull Mini's are very similar to the Ring Pull 90's we discussed above. The only differences are that they're smaller and produce smoke for approximately 30 seconds instead of 90! They're activated in the same exact way (by pulling a ring at a 90 degree angle to the smoke), and have the same exact labels. Simple right? A fun way to use ring pull mini's is to put them inside of a mason jar once they're activated and use the mason jar as a prop for pictures!
Gender Reveal Dual Vent Smokes
Dual Vent smokes are also similar to Ring Pull 90's. The main difference here is that dual vents emit smoke that comes out of both ends of the smoke bomb. Since they are emitting smoke twice as fast as the RP 90's (because some is coming out of both ends at once), they last for about 30 seconds instead of 90. These are great for creating large clouds of smoke very quickly! Combine dual vents with RP 90's to create layered smoke effects in your photos! They are also activated by pulling a ring perpendicular to the smoke.
Gender Reveal Wicks
Gender Reveal Wicks are similar to Ring Pull Mini's except that they require a lighter to activate. Each one has a piece of tissue paper on its end. Just light the tissue paper with a lighter and you're good to go! Wicks last for about 60 seconds each. These are also great for putting inside of other props! All of our wicks come in 4 packs and are available in 4 colors: pink, blue, white, and purple.
Gender Reveal Pranks
If you're a joker at heart, you will LOVE our Gender Reveal Pranks! These are the same product as wicks, except they change color halfway through! You'll need a lighter to activate them, and then let the joke begin! For the first 20-30 seconds they'll emit one color (either pink or blue), then they'll switch to the opposite color for the last 20-30 seconds! We also have a code for these to indicate color!
4. Other Smoke Bombs
We also sell regular smoke bombs that don't have discreet labels. Don't be fooled, you can still use these for gender reveal parties if you want! They just don't have discreet labels, so you'll know what color they are before you activate them. Make sure you're ordering from the correct listing so you don't end up with smokes with different labels than you intended! We have RP 90's, Dual Vents, RP Mini's, 6 Minute Smokes, and Color Me Smoke Packs.
Ring Pull 90's
Ring Pull 90's are just like the ones we mentioned above. They come in 11 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, teal, brown, black, and white. These are activated by pulling a ring at a 90 degree angle to the smoke and last for approximately 90 seconds.
Dual Vent Smokes
Similar to the gender reveal dual vents, our regular dual vents also smoke from both ends, are activated by pulling a ring, and smoke for approximately 30 seconds. We have 11 color options for regular dual vent smokes: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, teal, white, black, and red/yellow. The red/yellow dual vents (pictured above) produce yellow smoke out of one end and red smoke out of the other end! Unfortunately, we aren't able to customize our dual vents with other color options.
Ring Pull Mini's
Our Ring Pull Mini's are actually the same exact product we mentioned above. They are small smoke bombs that last 30 seconds and are activated by pulling a ring. We have 5 colors available: pink, blue, white, green, and purple. All of our pink and blue RP mini's come with discreet labels, even if you're not using them for gender reveal! Just remember the code: REV 1 = pink and REV 2 = blue!
6 Minute Smokes
Our 6 Minute Smokes are our longest lasting smoke bombs. They require a lighter to activate, and come in white only. These are great for extended photo shoots or for tactical purposes. We have a lot of people purchase these to practice fire drills, military drills, and videography. At only $6 per smoke, you really can't find a better deal out there!
Color Me Smoke Pack
Color me smokes are similar to our RP 90's. They are just a little smaller, they last for 60 seconds, and they require a lighter to activate. Each pack comes with 5 colors: red, white, blue, green, and yellow. You can purchase packs in increments of 5 (meaning a 5 pack, a 10 pack, a 15 pack, etc) to save money! These are also a favorite for photographers who prefer wick activation for smokes.
Hopefully this information as helpful to you! Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @GenderRevealSupplies and tag us to be featured! We LOVE seeing your photos! Follow us on Facebook to see our latest deals and coupon codes!